Early in the morning eight divers met at the jetty to board “Habana” with John from Action Divers. We donned life jackets and headed through the bar up to Saltwater and Snapper Rock. I chatted with Anita on the way out so we buddied up to do fish identification. The pencil on the slate was broken so Anita tried to sharpen it with her dive knife to no avail however Anita had her camera so we could still record our findings. Initially we were disappointed as there was almost no fish life however towards the end of our time we came across a cave, which had many Wobbegongs and Port Jacksons Sharks lying about at the entrance and a school of bullseyes inside. On our dive there were quite a few sea stars and nudibranchs including many small bright yellow one with white spots. The water was a cold 17 degrees, which made the dive uncomfortable.
Back on board Anita and I wrote down the fishlife on a slate, which included hula fish, yellow tail scads, sergeant baker, crimson banded wrasse, maori wrasse, girdled parmas, mados, a large catfish and a, Eastern blue devil fish (a rare and endangered species) as well as the Wobbegongs, Port Jackson Sharks and bullseyes but ironically not one snapper. Peter and Ryan reported seeing a turtle on their dive. Everyone was cold and shaking so soup was the preferred choice. Suzanne had lost all the blood from her fingers so John gave her the kettle to cuddle, of which she became quite possessive, much to our amusement. It was Isabelle’s birthday but sadly she and Ryan were both feeling the effects of the choppy seas.
After tucking into Anita’s tasty lunch of chicken, ham, salad and hommos dip we changed over tanks and John motored to our second site.
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