Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dive Journal: Bait Grounds, 25 April 2009

BAIT GROUNDS – 25th April 2009

At anchor we saw a green turtle which was exciting. On the way to the Bait Grounds we passed One Mile Beach and saw a wreck on the sand and a crowd looking at it. I was part of the transect team so took a slate. There were many fiddler rays and a huge school of scat however I also saw a large estuary catfish. On board we watched gannets dive into the sea like dive bombers. They are large birds which appear each winter.

Back at the marina Anita and I barbecued sausages for everyone and a vege-burger for Isabelle. I decided to go and investigate the wreck at One Mile Beach and so did Jan, Tony, Anita, Wayne and John! It was a lifeboat from a container ship named Kilabati Crew, which drifted ashore the night before and meant to carry 25 persons. It was considered to have been floating for about six months as there were barnacles on its bottom. The police had looked at it already possibly for bodies or espionage as there was police tape on it. Cape Hawke SLSC were caretakers and it was not decided what they planned to do with it. Now it was unstable as it was moved around by the waves however the longer it stays there the more stable it will be and harder to shift.


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